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GBA Gameboy Advance Consolizer HDMI Output Upgrade Kit

Use your GBA as an hdmi console with 720p hdmi output to your modern display. Compatible with most modern displays. Low latency zero transmission loss.


Easy to install modernisation with minimal soldering required. The modernisation board plugs into your 40 pin GBA motherboard and original screen. Some minor filing to the original case is the hardest part.


Compatible with the krikzz GBA everdrive.


I have 2 versions of this kit:


- Direct Version, plug your gba straight into your tv using the gba as a controller

- Docking Version, plug your gba into the docking station and use a snes controller or other compatible external controllers.


This modernisation kit is for the 40 pin version of the GBA


You can see what version you have by looking at the ribbon connection if you have the transparent model.


Or remove the batteries and check the serial number as shown in the last image, if its starts with a 0 its a 40 pin, if its starts with a 1 its a 32 pin version.


Install instructions for Direct and Docking Version:


Procedure is mostly the same for both kits, refer to photos as a guide.


Dismantle your gba completely. Remove screen and disgard rubber bezel surrounding screens, this creates space for the mod board.


Using the upgrade board as a guide, file out a hole for the hdmi out port.

Trim the plastic ridge around screen


Scrape the foam off the back of the original screen, sticker remover solvents such as multi solve works well to remove the adhesive. Add electrical tape to the back of the screen to insulate.


Solder the 2 audio wires to SO1 and SO2 pads. (direct version)

Solder the 3 wires to FO, BAT,  GND (docking version)


Replace the screen and connect up the upgrade board.

Re-assemble the gba and connect to your tv.


You'll need to power the gba with batteries or the usb power mod I have available here for the direct version.




Buttons to change settings on the docking version (buttons on GBA itself):


'Select+L+R' long press: ON/OFF the LCD display of game console
'Select+A+B' long press: Adjust the HDMI image ratio

GBA HDMI Consolizer

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